New York Post

Hill’s hair-rogance


IT was just a haircut. But in the eyes of the American people, it represente­d so much more.

The follicular fable hit the front pages of newspapers from The New York Times and Los Angeles Times to The Boston Globe. The Washington Post blared that this single act of hairshorte­ning amounted to “the most famous haircut since Samson’s” as the scandalett­e grew into a crisis awarded the title “Hairgate.”

Big surprise — it starred someone named Clinton.

It was reported that in May 1993 thenPresid­ent Bill Clinton received what at the time was considered an outrageous­ly expensive $200 haircut by BelgianAme­rican hair snipper Christophe Schatteman, known profession­ally — like Beyoncé and Hillary — by only his first name. He performed his mane magic on the prez’s noggin not while on an emergency call to the White House, but aboard Air Force One as the plane idled on the tarmac of Los Angeles Internatio­nal Airport. Two runways were shut down for an hour.

Ultimately, journalist­s’ investigat­ions into Federal Aviation Administra­tion records concluded that no commercial airliners experience­d delays because of the haircut, although an unschedule­d airtaxi flight was held up for two minutes. The Washington Post later reported that Bill Clinton paid less than $150 for the trim. Well, it’s déjà vu all over again. One would think Hillary Rodham Clinton would have learned by now to snag a $12 seniorciti­zen discount for a shearing at Supercuts on Montague Street (shampoo, blow dry and tip costs extra) near her Brooklyn Heights campaign headquarte­rs. But no . . .

With an enormous entourage in tow, the frontrunne­r for the Democratic presidenti­al nomination sailed into Bergdorf Goodman in the heart of Manhattan last month as part of the store was put on lockdown. There, she underwent a haircut at the swanky John Barrett Salon at an estimated cost of $600, more than some Americans bring home in a week. Staffers closed off one side of Bergdorf, and she was seen being ushered through a side door, riding to a private area of the ninthfloor salon on an elevator that was off limits to mere mortals, Page Six’s Emily Smith reported.

Hillary regularly sees salon owner John Barrett, who charges ordinary customers $600 per haircut and blowout, while hair color can cost $600 more. But her reps did not disclose how much, or if, she paid.

She emerged sporting a new feathered hairdo.

The episode reveals volumes about the entitled woman who would be president.

Hillary has long suggested that the media’s frequent preoccupat­ion with her appearance is motivated by sexism. But I submit that her own obsession with superficia­lities speaks to her own failings. Here is a woman of the 1 percent masqueradi­ng as a populist, a lady so entitled and tone deaf to the struggles of ordinary citizens that she sees no problem with lording her privilege over the masses. It was just a haircut. But Hillary’s stunning refusal to take responsibi­lity for her actions, big and small, rules her every move.

Last year, she said she and her husband, millionair­es many times over, were not only “dead broke but in debt” when they left the White House in 2001. (After an outcry, she took back the “broke” claim, saying she and her hub are “obviously blessed” and care about the little people.)

Now the FBI is investigat­ing the extent to which the former secretary of state may have sent, received and stored classified documents on her “home brew’’ email server and other private devices — potentiall­y compromisi­ng government security. Sources told The Post that this amounts to a “criminal probe,” but Hillary insisted while campaignin­g in Iowa Saturday that “I never sent classified material on my email, and I never received any that was marked classified.”

Last week, Hillary turned over to the feds three thumb drives stored in her lawyer’s office, plus her email server, which had been wiped clean. The arrogance! “You may have seen that I recently launched a Snapchat account,” Hillary joked at a campaign appearance in Iowa Saturday, Business Insider reported. “I love it. I love it. Those messages disappear all by themselves.”

She blamed the email fracas on “politics” — meaning Republican haters. How long can she laugh this off ?

Meanwhile, 57 percent of voters don’t think Hillary is honest and trustworth­y — and 52 percent think she doesn’t care about their needs and problems, the latest Quinnipiac University poll found.

Hillary Clinton sees herself as a superstar who deserves special treatment, a woman to whom ordinary rules of conduct don’t apply.

She desperatel­y needs a makeover — from the inside.

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