New York Post

O’Reilly kills another one

- Cindy Adams

SEASONALLY Bill O’Reilly kills off someone. “Killing Lincoln,” “Killing Kennedy,” “Killing Jesus,” “Killing Patton,” killing competitio­n. Now, in political hunting season, as the congaline of GOP carrion snack on Ronnie, comes O’Reilly’s newie, “Killing Reagan.”

O’Reilly: “A surprise for us all doing the research was to learn, after Ronald Reagan was shot, about one big secret meeting where advisers, investigat­ing if he’s still up to being president, came close to removing him. What happened was that he subsequent­ly surprised everyone and gathered strength. Never forgetting his hatred of communism, he made a comeback by locking in on Gorbachev.

“The president outsourced a lot and got involved mostly in the small stuff. Few ever thought he’d be governor, let alone president, because the man was flawed like we all are. They figured he’s just plain not that smart. They underestim­ated his rise to power.”

It’s a terrific read. However, Nancy, 94, mightn’t vacuum up her local bookstore’s total supply. “Venal, sense of entitlemen­t, big spender,” O’Reilly’s report card gives her a D: diva, demon, devil, demanding.

“Nancylover­s will admire her, but she was harsh. There were two Nancys. She then changed into heroic. Becoming his primary caregiver, she protected him when he needed it. She could’ve outsourced him to doctors. She didn’t. She sublimated herself and nursed him. She’d whisper a speech’s words when he fumbled. In latter days, Nancy was running the country.”

How can Bill confirm everything he’s written is absolute truth?

“Research. Since there’s also those who loathe him and will attack this, I assure the reader everything here is documented. Two independen­t sources confirming, not singular sources. Lots that wasn’t put in. In talking about somebody’s life, you must be careful. One story of adultery, unsubstant­iated by a second source, we didn’t include.

“A big disappoint­ment were his children. I don’t care what those kids say. I respect their opinions, but who cares? He fought Alzheimer’s. He rose. He improved the economy. I’d have voted for him. And he deserved his second term.”

Will this “Killing” series someday expand? “Maybe.”

“Killing Reagan” is out Sept. 22.

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Bill O’Reilly: New book examines Reagan’s presidency.
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