New York Post

The Kooky Kentucky Clerk: A Martyr or a Criminal?


I have something to say to Kentucky court clerk Kim Davis (“Render Unto Caesar,” Editorial, Sept. 3).

America is a land of religious freedom. You have every right to follow the precepts of any religion that you wish.

You do not, however, have the right to interpret the laws that you have sworn to uphold according to your own particular belief in God’s will.

If you can’t do your job, you should resign. Stuart Altshuler


Let me get this straight. A county clerk gets arrested for not abiding with a federally mandated law, which, as pointed out by the administra­tion, pertains to all elected officials, even the president.

Then why do we have over 200 sanctuary cities literally getting away with ignoring federal law?

Are these mayors, legislator­s and sheriffs not elected officials?

Once again, being politicall­y correct gets you a free pass. It’s no wonder that some of us are finally looking at nonpolitic­ians as viable candidates for office. Nick Palazzo

Stamford, Conn.

Davis will milk her arrest for all it’s worth.

She will then brand herself a martyr to the cheers of her admirers who gather outside the jail every day, as well as others who support her.

At some point, the judge will release Davis, I’m sure.

Davis will then proba bly run for, and be elected to, high office in Kentucky. Donald Nawi


With her “my way or the highway” attitude toward issuing samesex marriage licenses, it’s time for Davis to hit the road.

When in the United States, we must comply with the law or suffer the consequenc­es.

It’s time for this woman to resign. JoAnn Lee Frank

Clearwater, Fla.

We have a president who routinely ignores the law when it suits his purposes.

Chief Justice John Roberts, in his dissenting opinion on gay marriage, warned that Christians would be persecuted, and this latest event in Kentucky has proven him to be correct.

Davis shouldn’t be jailed for her beliefs. Aleandra Brito


 ??  ?? Kim Davis
Kim Davis

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