New York Post



“You shouldn’t be so hard on your partners,” I admonished Cy the Cynic, who has never been easy to play with. “People skills are important.”

“My people skills are fine,” Cy growled. “It’s my tolerance for dunderhead­s that needs work.”

Cy was today’s East, and at four hearts, South won the first diamond in dummy and led a trump: nine, ten, queen.

“My partner shifted to the queen of clubs,” the Cynic said. “Declarer won and took three more diamonds to discard a spade. He lost one spade and another trump but made his game.”

“I told my partner that a spade shift would beat the contract. He said he had no way of knowing that. I called on my people skills and observed that he was a dunderhead.”

Cy’s remark wasn’t going to help his partner play better, but West should beat four hearts. The bidding marks South with a sixcard heart suit, so after West takes the queen, he can cash the ace. Cy will discard the eight of spades, and West will know what to do next.

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