New York Post

Property fraud alert

- Michael Gartland

Property fraud — involving crooks who steal homes from people using fake deeds and other trickery — has become such a thriving industry that the hucksters now have their own corps of lawyers, mortgage bankers, notaries and realestate brokers, city officials said Monday.

“Perpetrato­rs operate as an organized gang,’’ Finance Commission­er Jacques Jiha told a City Council panel.

The hearing also drew city Sheriff Joseph Fucito and victims’ advocates, including the Legal Aid Society, which called for a crackdown.

The sheriff ’s office has a total of 671 open investigat­ions into allegation­s of deed fraud, with the most, 326, in Brooklyn.

There have been only 17 arrests so far, at least partly because of the complexity of the cases, authoritie­s said.

“It’s a form of organized crime . . . [with] a very complicate­d type of prosecutio­n,’’ Fucito said.

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