New York Post



This just in from the cliché factory: Reports of Donald Trump’s demise are greatly exaggerate­d, Republican­s inhabit the best of all possible worlds, and Democrats are trapped between a rock and a hard place.

The Iowa tea leaves are easy to read. The GOP is down to three, unless someone not named Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio or Trump catches fire in New Hampshire.

Many Dems would love a third option, with the virtual tie in Iowa bruising both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders while denying either bragging rights.

In other words, the race for the White House is still up in the air — which is exactly what America needs.

Iowa voters did their part by humbling Trump and Clinton. Romps could have sent them soaring toward the nomination­s and nipping in the bud vital debates on the economy and national security.

For Trump, proof that he is subject to political gravity could be the best thing for him. Americans are suckers for a comeback story, and if he is wise, he will put more meat on his promises and mix in more retail campaignin­g to broaden his appeal. As it stands, he’s unacceptab­le to too many voters, which casts doubts on his electabili­ty.

Sen. Ted Cruz has a similar challenge, as illustrate­d by his victory speech, which was late, too long and joyless. Scolds rarely get to the Oval Office.

All that made Sen. Marco Rubio Iowa’s biggest winner. Actually, Rubio won twice. He beat expectatio­ns to come close to Trump, and easily gave the best “victory” speech of the night. It was concise, inspiring and actionable.

As for Dems, Sanders’ rant against billionair­es risks making him look like a onetrick pony, while Clinton has too many tricks to be credible. Her character is her destiny, and if she goes down in flames, the whole party will get burned.

Pray she’s not in a position to take America with her.

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