New York Post


Hillary crawl to nomination


WASHINGTON — The brother of the federal judge Donald Trump has attacked as biased because of his Mexican heritage said Monday Trump is speaking out of “ignorance,” not racism.

“I think it’s more not knowing. Yeah, I would say ignorance,” Raul Curiel told CNN. “I don’t think he is strictly an outright racist like some of your Ku Klux Klan. Those kind of people really are racist. They have no redeeming qualities. Trump, I don’t believe, is that caliber of person. But he is very, very uninformed.”

Trump has charged that Indiana-born Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is hearing a fraud suit against Trump University, had an “absolute conflict’ because his parents are Mexican immigrants.

“I know my brother is not taking it seriously. Some other people might. I don’t really take it that seriously either,” Raul said.

Trump said over the weekend that his pledge to build a wall between the United States and Mexico makes the judge’s Mexican roots relevant.

Even prominent Republican­s have blasted Trump for the remarks.

But Trump told his surrogates Monday to keep going after the judge, according to Bloomberg Politics. A Trump staffer initially e-mailed surrogates Sunday to back off from Trump U issues. But Trump overruled the staffer.

“Take that order and throw it the hell out,” Trump told the surrogates in the call. He also reportedly described the staffer’s move as “stupid.”

Seizing the moment, Hillary Clinton’s team launched a new Web ad using TV clips of Republican­s, including Newt Gingrich, criticizin­g Trump.

“Trump’s latest statements are so extreme . . . even other Republican­s are offended,” the ad states.

Gingrich — a possible Trump running mate — said the attack on the judge’s heritage is “one of the worst mistakes Trump has made” and was “inexcusabl­e.”

Later, when asked on MSNBC if Trump was racist, Clinton replied, “I don’t know what’s in his heart, but I know what he’s saying with respect to the judge, that’s a racist attack.”

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