New York Post

End the Ban on DDT

To stop Zika, kill the carriers

- Jillian Kay Melchior, political editor at Heat Street, is a fellow with the Independen­t Women’s Forum.

THE Zika virus outbreak makes it clearer than ever: It’s time to end the ban on DDT — a ban that was never sensible in the first place, but now is downright unjustifia­ble.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that Zika has infected nearly 300 pregnant women in the United States, putting their babies at risk for a devastatin­g birth defect. This summer, as many as 40 million Americans will visit regions where carrier mosquitoes thrive, including large swathes of the South.

There’s also a moderate risk of Zika-carrying bugs in New York City, and parts of the city offer Zika mosquitoes the perfect conditions in which to thrive.

That means hundreds of babies are at risk of a horrifying brain defect called microcepha­ly. Infants who don’t perish outright need extensive care, which can cost up to $10 million.

Unfortunat­ely, alarmism has led to a decades-long ban on the most effective pesticide against the dis- ease-spreading mosquito, even though science has proven it reasonably safe.

Mosquitoes are responsibl­e for more deaths than any other creature on earth. DDT kills mosquitoes most effectivel­y; in the 1960s, the National Academy of Sciences said that “to only a few chemicals does man owe as great a debt as to DDT,” adding that it had prevented as many as 500 million deaths.

Nonetheles­s, the United States continues to enforce its 1972 ban on DDT, citing dubious health and environmen­tal concerns.

Numerous studies directly contradict­ed environmen­talists’ claims that the chemical caused cancer. Likewise, thousands of studies examining other purported health risks produced results that were “weak, inconclusi­ve or contradict­ory; in other words there is no evidence of harm,” Namibian health minister Richard Nchabi Kamwi noted in The Wall Street Journal.

Claims of damage to the environmen­t proved equally nebulous. Rachel Carson, the environmen­talist who drove the DDT ban, based her argument on several fraudulent claims.

For example, she claimed DDT had rendered the robin “on the verge of extinction” — and that same year, America’s foremost ornitholog­ist declared it “the most abundant bird in North America,” the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons noted more than a decade ago.

Yet Carson’s junk science won out, and not just in the United States.

The Zika-carrier Aedes aegypti mosquito is already a hearty bug, capable of breeding in small puddles of water and thriving in tough urban environmen­ts. It has also, tragically, proven especially resilient to alternativ­e pesticides.

Latin America had nearly eliminated the Aedes aegypti mosquito using DDT in the last century. But the scaremonge­ring that began in the United States spread south, and with it, the mosquito population surged, bringing Zika with it.

Globally, discourage­d use of DDT has come at enormous human cost; Dr. Rutledge Taylor’s documentar­y estimated that the DDT ban could be linked to as many as 1.5 million unnecessar­y deaths a year.

It’s bad enough to ban the most effective Zika-fighting tool we have. Even worse, the same sort of unscientif­ic dogma is behind an effort to regulate other safe, effective pesticides at precisely the time they’re most needed.

In April, at the behest of concerned environmen­talists, Orange County decided against aerial spraying for mosquitoes — even though 17 of its residents have died from West Nile infections over the last two years, with hundreds more infected.

Likewise, more than 55,000 acres of private land in Massachuse­tts will go unsprayed this summer out of environmen­tal and health concerns, despite the increased risk of West Nile.

Meanwhile, the alarmism continues to spread like wildfire. Argentine environmen­talists recently claimed that the pesticide pyriproxyf­en — not Zika — is the real cause of the microcepha­ly boom. Scientists across the globe are now struggling, with varying success, to debunk this rumor to a credulous public.

“It’s ridiculous,” one top microcepha­ly expert recently told USA Today. “These guys come out of the blue, and people believe them, with no evidence at all.”

Thanks to environmen­talists, Zika-caused deaths and diseases are preventabl­e tragedies. So let’s start preventing them.

 ??  ?? Spray it, don’t say it: An Indonesian health worker fumigates an area to kill mosquitoes that may carry diseases on the island of Bali.
Spray it, don’t say it: An Indonesian health worker fumigates an area to kill mosquitoes that may carry diseases on the island of Bali.
 ?? Jillian Kay Melchior ??
Jillian Kay Melchior

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