New York Post

Weird BUT true


The whale that would not leave will finally go away for good.

A whale carcass that washed up in Los Angeles this summer and was towed out to sea only to drift back to a San Diego beach, was chopped up Monday.

The filleting of the rotting, 22-ton creature had hit a snag Sunday after part of a forklift snapped off.

An Omaha family of six is living small.

Parents Darren and Melody Mike are dumping their 2,300-square-foot digs for two adjoining, 349-squarefoot homes after watching “Tiny House Nation” on the FYI Network.

In the meantime, they have to jam into an even smaller, 237-square-foot RV.

“I don’t think that anything is going to be frustratin­g, honestly,” Darren Mike said. “I’m really excited for the closeness that this is going to bring for our family.”

Be grateful for New York’s nice, clean tap water.

A dog trained to sniff for animal waste found traces of human waste in the water system of Whatcom County in Washingon state.

Local officials are trying to get to the bottom of it and find the source so they can flush away the embarrassi­ng problem.

You’ll no longer be welcomed in downtown Las Vegas.

A sign reading “Welcome to Fabulous Downtown Las Vegas” — a lesser-known sibling to the “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas” sign — was completely wiped out by a truck that crashed into it over the weekend.

Officials didn’t know Monday when or if the sign would be replaced.

Hats off to these record breakers.

A group of Stetson lovers in Calgary rustled up more than 2,000 cowboy hats to form the world’s largest mosaic of — you guessed it — a cowboy hat.

The Guinness Book of World Records signed off on the creation at the North Hill Centre shopping mall.

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