New York Post

‘A-bomb’shell in Iran nuke deal


Key restrictio­ns imposed on Iran’s nuclear program under last year’s internatio­nally negotiated deal will ease years before the 15-year accord expires, advancing Tehran’s ability to build a bomb even before the end of the pact, a document reveals.

Obtained by The Associated Press, the document is the only text linked to last year’s deal between Iran and six foreign powers that has not been made public, although US officials say members of Congress have been able to see it.

Details published earlier outline most restraints on Iran’s nuclear program, which are meant to reduce the threat that Tehran will turn nuclear ac- tivities it says are peaceful to making weapons.

But while some of the constraint­s extend for 15 years, documents in the public domain are short on details of what would happen with Iran’s most proliferat­ion-prone nuclear activity — its uranium enrichment — beyond the first 10 years of the pact.

The newly obtained document fills in the gap. It says that as of January 2027, 11 years after the deal’s implementa­tion, Iran can start replacing its mainstay centrifuge­s with thousands of advanced machines. Centrifuge­s churn out uranium.

From Year 11 to 13, the document says, Iran can install centrifuge­s up to five times as efficient as the 5,060 machines it is now restricted to using.

Those new models will number less than those being used now, ranging from 2,500 to 3,500, depending on their efficiency, the document says. But because they are more effective, they will allow Iran to enrich at more than twice the rate it is doing now.

The United States says the agreement is tailored to ensure Iran would need at least 12 months to “break out” and make enough weapons-grade uranium for at least one weapon.

But based on a comparison of outputs between the old and newer machines, if the enrichment rate doubles, that breakout time would be reduced to six months, or even less if the efficiency is more than double.

More bad news about the Iran nuclear deal landed Monday — a dangerous secret President Obama has been keeping from the American people.

The Associated Press reports that the unpublishe­d side deal is even more disastrous than the rest of the accord. It relaxes key restrictio­ns on Iran’s nuclear program in just over a decade, rather than the 15 years Team Obama has been touting.

As of January 2027, Iran can start replacing its mainstay centrifuge­s with thousands of advanced machines up to five times as efficient as what it now has.

Bottom line: The time Iran needs to produce a nuclear bomb would be cut in half, or worse. If Obama’s correct that the current rules leave Tehran a year from sprinting to the bomb, it’ll become at most six months.

And because the secret deal doesn’t spell out what happens after year 13, it could mean an end to all restrictio­ns on centrifuge­s.

The head of the Institute for Science and Internatio­nal Security, a go-to agency on Iran’s nuclear program, says the side deal “will create a great deal of instabilit­y and possibly even lead to war.”

Yet just last week, the president boasted that his deal — which provides the mullahs with tens of billions in sanctions relief for use on terrorism — is “avoiding further conflict and making us safer.” Really?

All this proves that Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu, whom Obama openly mocked as a scare-monger for warning that Iran’s “breakout time” was six months or less, was anything but.

Since agreeing to the deal, Iran has kept on testing ballistic missiles that can deliver nuclear warheads. It’s also been caught in clandestin­e efforts to illicitly acquire highlevel nuclear technology and equipment.

It’s becoming alarmingly clear that Team Obama played the American people — and the congressio­nal Democrats who supported the deal— for fools.

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