New York Post

America’s Cops Under Fire: Ratchet Down the Rhetoric


I’m saddened by yet another ambush of our men in blue (“Under Siege,” July 18).

It’s sickening, but clearly not surprising, when you hear some of the rhetoric that comes from the left.

Is it really any surprise we’re having all this racial unrest? Instead of trying to heal, liberals are only making things worse. Tim Cantwell Little Neck

President Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats have cops’ blood on their hands. The Democrats support Black Lives Matter’s rhetoric and its false narrative that all American cops are racists.

Pathetical­ly, the Democrats do this to amp up and agitate their voting base. Mike Brown Burlingame, Calif.

As a retired police officer, I wish I could say I was shocked by the news from Baton Rouge.

I’m disenchant­ed with our elected officials across the nation from the top down who justify the actions and rhetoric of the Black Lives Matter movement while police officers across the country become the latest victims.

While our liberal friends in government and the media say there’s no war on cops, reality says otherwise. Sal Giarratani Boston, Mass.

Much of the violence against police could be prevented if there were fewer unjustifie­d killings of black men.

Good cops need to unite against the bad apples. Maybe then we’d have more justice and more peace. Richard Siegelman Plainview

Elevating Black Lives Matter does absolutely nothing to help black children and unfairly tarnishes those brave souls who wear the badge and put their lives at risk every day.

By every measure, the racial climate in America has declined during Obama’s presidency. It’s not we that have grown more intolerant — the culprit is the polemicist in the White House. Andrew Hoffman Manhattan

The existence of some racist cops is no more an indictment of all cops than terrorists being an indictment of all Muslims. Yet that doesn’t stop some from indicting all cops.

Keep blaming the police for defending themselves and eventually there will be none left to defend you. Gary Taustine Manhattan

 ??  ?? President Obama
President Obama

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