New York Post

No suit in gator tragedy

Parents honor boy


The parents of the boy killed by an alligator at Disney World said Wednesday they won’t be filing suit.

Matt Graves, the dad of tragic 2-year-old Lane Graves, said the family instead wants to concentrat­e its efforts on a foundation in honor of the boy.

“It is our hope that through the foundation we will be able to share with others the unimaginab­le love Lane etched in our hearts,” Graves said in a statement.

“In addition to the foundation, we will solely be focused on the future health of our family and will not be pursuing a lawsuit against Disney. For now, we continue to ask for privacy as we focus on our family.”

Disney officials said Wednesday they’re providing “ongoing support” for the Elkhorn, Neb., family, but didn’t elaborate or say if an out-of-court settlement had been reached.

“In the wake of this tragic accident, we continue to provide ongoing support for the family, which includes honoring their request for privacy,” said George A. Kalogridis, president of Walt Disney World Resort.

Lane was killed by a gator on June 14 (Post flashback above) at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort in Lake Buena Vista.

Lane’s heartbroke­n parents said they’ll never get over losing their son.

“Melissa and I are broken. We will forever struggle to comprehend why this happened to our sweet baby, Lane,” according to the dad’s statement.

“As each day passes, the pain gets worse, but we truly appreciate the outpouring of sympathy and warm sentiments we have received from around the world.”

Disney has made changes at its Florida resort in hopes of limiting future chances of guests coming in contact with alligators. Additional netting has been added to waterfront areas and fishing is now limited only to excursions.

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