New York Post

With More Terror in France, We Need To Wake Up

The jihadist attack on a Catholic Church in Normandy, France, and the murder of a priest there.


Kudos to Ralph Peters for his succinct column regarding the brutal attack on the Rev. Jacques Hamel in France (“We’ve failed to protect Christians,” July 27).

Known Islamist terrorists are actually being allowed to reside freely in countries. It’s the height of absurdity that these monsters are being treated as though they’re complying with a restrainin­g order.

These terror attacks are so numerous, yet we hide behind our smartphone­s and play Pokémon and obsess over the Kardashian­s’ wardrobe in order to distract ourselves from the real world.

It’s time we wake up and realize that these attacks are happening worldwide — and far too often. Uri Burstein Flushing

Democrats are refusing to connect the dots regarding the current rash of terror attacks.

Their thinking is that these attacks are far-away incidents and not a threat to the United States. As President Obama is fond of saying, more people die in accidents in the bathroom annually than from terrorism.

We’ll see what tune he and his party sing if we experience another attack on the scale of 9/11. Peter Kelly Hazlet, NJ

The murder of a French priest by an ISIS terrorist has shaken the French people to the core. But it hasn’t shaken President Obama, or those at the Democratic National Convention.

More important than jobs, trade agreements and what bathrooms people can use is the comfort of knowing you can live your life safely.

Who will destroy ISIS? Who’s speaking up at the Democratic National Convention and saying that terror must be rooted out? This upcoming election is the most important because the stakes are so high.

I pray the American voter will begin to understand what the French now know.

You can’t make a pact with the devil — or ISIS. Toby Willig Jerusalem, Israel

Islamic-extremist beliefs run counter to the tolerance practiced by the West.

I question how some of our politician­s actually think that Middle Eastern refugees can safely be resettled in the United States if there’s a chance any of them harbor these beliefs. John Ost Manhattan

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Rev. Hamel

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