New York Post


Judge: Denton misled on $tox


A Florida judge said Gawker founder Nick Denton “misled” the court about the value of his company and punished him by ruling Hulk Hogan could start seizing his assets.

Denton told Judge Pamela Campbell in June that Gawker Media Group was worth $276 million.

He didn’t have the cash to post the $50 million bond required to appeal the $140 million verdict awarded to Hogan, so he offered his stock in Gawker instead.

Denton said that his 30 percent stake in Gawker was worth $81 million.

The $81 million figure was “used to give [Hogan] and this court the impression that the stock had significan­t value,” Campbell says in a decision released Friday.

Based on that representa­tion, Campbell agreed to the offer — only to learn later that the stock was worth closer to $30 million. “Mr Denton . . . misled this court in connection with [his] pledge of Gawker Media Group, Inc. stock by concealing material informatio­n about the value of that stock which a reasonable person, under the circumstan­ces, should have disclosed,” Campbell says in the order.

What Denton did not disclose is that he’d already prepared to file bankruptcy on behalf of Gawker and had pledged to sell the company $90 million. That sale price meant that Denton’s share was worth less than $30 million, not the $81 million he cited to the court. “These are all material facts affecting the value of the stock Mr. Denton and Mr. Daulerio pledged,” Campbell said in the ruling, referring to a co-defendant, Gawker editor A.J. Daulerio. “The integrity of the civil litigation process depends on truthful dis- for just closure of facts. Revealing only some of the facts does not constitute truthful disclosure,” she writes.

In Friday’s ruling, the judge found that the new, $30 million value of Denton’s stock “is not adequate” for the bond.

So she ruled that Hogan can start collecting on the jury award.

Hogan’s attorney, David Houston, said his client “will do all within his power to enforce his judgment against” Denton.

Denton plans to ask an appeals court for an emergency stay of Judge Campbell’s ruling. “I have to say that I think the court really got this one wrong,” Denton said. “The $81 million company valuation the court relied on was Hogan’s valuation. We told the court they did not know what the company’s shares would be worth.

“There was no misreprese­ntation,” he said.

 ??  ?? Gawke r founder Nick Denton’s misleading past statements about the value of his stocks means that Hulk Hogan can start seizing his assets, a judge ruled.
Gawke r founder Nick Denton’s misleading past statements about the value of his stocks means that Hulk Hogan can start seizing his assets, a judge ruled.

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