New York Post

Hamming it up

B’way’s new Burr explains why he first turned down the role — three times


‘HAMILTON” has a new Mr. Burr, sir! Brandon Victor Dixon stepped into Leslie Odom Jr.’s boots this week, but he’s no Broadway newbie: The 34-year-old Maryland native helped create the roles he played in the original “The Color Purple,” “Motown” and “Shuffle Along.” He told us about finding his inner Aaron Burr — and his Spike Lee “thing.”

You made your“Ham” debut Tuesday, in front of the US women’s gymnastics team. Did they make you nervous?

Not at all! I love gymnastics, and I was so excited they’d be in the building. There are people who could maybe make you nervous, but I got rid of those feelings long ago. The one person I do still feel a little thing about is Spike Lee. I have no idea why. I mean, he’s seen so many shows of mine multiple times, yet still — you tell me he’s coming and I’m like, “Damn! Spike’s here again!”

How did you come to play Burr?

I hadn’t started “Shuffle” yet, and [“Hamilton” director] Tommy Kail said something like, “When are we gonna get you up here?” I said, “Hey, man, I think you guys are good to go.” Last winter, they called me again. Then, they called the day before I got my closing notice for “Shuffle” — maybe they knew before I did, because both shows have the same casting director. I told them no, then I got my notice and called them back. Tommy said, “I told you I was gonna get what I wanted!”

That’s a lot of no’s.

I almost never consider the prospect of taking over a role, but once I embraced the thought, I became excited. In fact, as we negotiated our contract, there was one point of contention. When I didn’t hear back from them I got worried. I said [to myself], “Look at you — you went from saying no to worrying about losing this. You must be in the right place.”

Did anything in your Burr research surprise you?

I didn’t realize how enormously popular, how beloved Burr was. He was a very famous soldier known for acts of bravery. Everything I read also spoke about his love of women as a gender, and his dedication to the one who captured his heart: Theodosia, his first wife. He preferred the company of ladies — he liked female energy, the thoughts and wits of women. Those things stuck out for me. My best friends have largely been women. Because I love female energy, and I find you all to be incredibly remarkable.

My gender thanks you. Are you married?

I am not.

Are there any“Hamilton” rituals? Secret handshakes?

Before the show, a number of cast members gather and say an energy prayer. [Tuesday] night they made a circle around me and put their hands on me and blessed my first show, which was lovely. I believe there’s a weekly “shot” night. Not sure what that is. We’ll see.

Favorite“Ham” moment?

When we announce Lafayette. It’s a number called “Guns and Ships,” except I’m not allowed to participat­e. I have to stay in silhouette while everyone gets psyched and celebrates the arrival of Lafayette. I’m really angry about it, actually. I wanna dance!

 ??  ?? Fresh off “Shuffle Along,” Brandon Victor Dixon’s just jumped into “Hamilton” as Aaron Burr.
Fresh off “Shuffle Along,” Brandon Victor Dixon’s just jumped into “Hamilton” as Aaron Burr.

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