New York Post

Macca jokes about Clinton cash


SIR Paul McCartney, performing at an exclusive Hillary Clinton Hamptons fund-raiser, poked fun at the event’s sky-high ticket prices, saying, “This is the first time in my entire life when I have paid to hear myself sing.”

The former Beatle took to the stage at the $25,000-a-ticket fund-raiser at Jimmy Buffett’s house in Sagaponack on Tuesday. Prices went up to $100,000 for those who would be listed as hosts and receive a private photo and reception with Hillary.

McCartney joked about Clinton’s cash grab onstage, saying, “I have performed before and not gotten paid. But this is the first time in my entire life when I have paid to hear myself sing.”

And while the Democratic nominee is under pressure to ban foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation, the British-born star clarified, “Just kidding. I’m not allowed to contribute in your elections. But this is one when I would if I could.”

McCartney performed a solo set, then returned for a jam session with Buffett and Jon Bon Jovi, including a version of “Hey Jude.”

Hillary — who concluded her fund-raising Hamptons blitz, with this starry event that netted about $3.6 million — then took the stage and compared a Donald Trump presidency to world destructio­n. She said, “The way I look at the next 70 days of this election is pretty simple. I am all that stands between you and the apocalypse.”

Buffett performed for over an hour, singing hits like “Margaritav­ille” and “Cheeseburg­er in Paradise.” Bon Jovi also did a solo set, while guests dined on event-planner Bronson van Wyck’s homemade fried chicken.

Witnesses said Bill and Hillary danced together the whole night except when McCartney asked if he could cut in and danced with her for one Buffett song.

Other big names at the bash included Donna Karan, Calvin Klein, Sandy Gallin, Harvey Weinstein, Richard Meier, Jane Rosenthal, Andy Cohen and Agnes Gund. Notably absent was Huma Abedin . . . who apparently had bigger chicken to fry.

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