New York Post

To Save Faith

How churches can bring in the millennial­s


‘CHRISTIANI­TY is on the decline,” warns Tom Wildmon of the American Family Associatio­n. And it’s pretty obvious that, to turn things around, the church needs to convince millennial­s they need God.

He asserts this even though “in America we have more Christian churches, movies, and attraction­s than any other time in our history,” as he noted in his warning. He specifical­ly pointed to “the largest generation of our time” — millennial­s.

According to a 2015 Pew Research Center poll, more than one-third of millennial­s now claim no religious affiliatio­n at all, up nine percentage points from millennial­s in 2007. Notably, the exodus is from Catholicis­m and mainline Protestant­ism.

For more than 10 years, I was one of those statistics.

See, the church I grew up in was an extremely rigid fundamenta­list Baptist one. It was so hell-bent on convincing congregant­s that it was reading the only correct interpreta­tion of the Bible, that if you didn’t fall in line your faith was suspect (and so were you).

Obsessed with the letter of the law, my church failed miserably at demonstrat­ing the spirit of the law. The life-sustaining, whole bloody beauty of the Christian story in the first place.

And it was tailor-made to repel young worshipers.

In my experience, people left for a bevy of reasons, but right at the top was shame. But not for the honest-to-God reasons one might ordinarily feel ashamed.

Instead, it was being shamed for wearing pants (“no skirt, no sleeves, no service”); for listening to music with a beat, because it inspires your body to move, thereby enticing the opposite sex; for going to movie theaters, lest someone think you’re seeing an R-rated film; for doubt in general. I left. I was angry. But my umbrage wasn’t that they were preaching the gospel, it was in what I per- ceived was their distortion of it. You know, because at 15 I’d already become an expert.

I remember thinking: Of all of the Bible’s lessons, we’re getting a talking-to about not listening to Britney Spears.

It’s hard to put into words, but what they were doing was equating godlessnes­s to worldlines­s — and if you listened to Britney, you were definitely closer to the sinful, worldlines­s part of the scale, which was grounds for being ostracized.

So after I peeled out of that church parking lot fueled by righteous indignatio­n, that’s where I stayed for years — gone. Stewing in bitterness, with a chip on my shoulder so heavy it could’ve been the foundation stone of a new church.

But the thing is that millennial­s really do want a good swath of what the church ideally has to offer: community, acceptance, imbuing life with meaning. That’s why we’re signing up for transcende­ntal yoga. That’s why we’re volunteeri­ng for charities and donating to GoFundMe’s.

We want, and do believe in, more than we are. We’re trying to find it.

I’m no exception. So little by little I tried to find God again. In books. In podcasts. In music. In conversati­on.

It was a long slog to finding my faith, let alone finding myself happily sitting in a pew. I did it, though, 14 years after I left. I found a church that marries the boundless love of Jesus with sound theology.

Crucially, it’s also one that doesn’t pretend we don’t live in this world, and so it uses examples from the world — music, movies, heck, even The New York Times — to point evermore toward the Author of All Things.

Wildmon writes that millennial­s are the “future leaders” and the church simply can’t afford to write them off. The simple strategy to bring them in is to start with love. Meet brokenness in love. Meet skepticism in love. Meet pantsweari­ng in love. Meet this weird cultural millennial­ism in love.

And if not love, then at least openminded­ness.

If anything can be said about millennial­s, it’s that we believe hard and with a fiery passion. It sometimes comes out in activism, in social-justice warriorism and political correctnes­s (hey, I didn’t say it was all well-placed) — and also in loving others.

But most churches’ response to that is to give us either hippydippy bullhonkey, because they think that’s what we want, or hardcore dogmatism, which no one ever really wants. And both are lacking in the very thing we millennial­s (and everyone, really) are begging for — authentici­ty.

The church, yes, is in danger — but so, and perhaps more important, are the hearts of the young people they’re trying to convince. Meet them where they are at, and God will do (and always does) the rest.

 ??  ?? Learn from the pope? Churches must appeal to younger worshipers.
Learn from the pope? Churches must appeal to younger worshipers.
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