New York Post



I receive many email comments and questions from readers. I must admit that sometimes I reply with undue haste: I do my best “proofreedi­ng” right after I hit the “send” button.

Some declarers are like that. They spot the correct line of play right after they embark on an inferior line. In today’s deal, West led a heart against five clubs, and South finessed with dummy’s queen. East took the king and shifted to the nine of diamonds: ten, jack, deuce.

West then led another heart. South took the ace and led the queen of spades. When East did not cover, South took the ace, drew trumps and tried a diamond finesse with his queen. Down one.

South may have seen the winning play -- too late. He must win the first heart with the ace, draw trumps with the K-A and let the queen of spades ride.

West wins and the defense cashes a heart, but South can win East’s diamond shift with the ace and pitch dummy’s last two diamonds on the A-J of spades, assuring the contract.

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