New York Post



Cy the Cynic says that he doesn’t understand why people look for trouble -- when it’s often right behind them and gaining ground. In today’s deal, West’s convention­al “Michaels” cue bid of two spades promised length in hearts and a minor suit. Against four spades, West led the king of diamonds, and South took the ace and saw no problem: He led a trump next. Alas, trouble overtook declarer when West threw a diamond. East captured dummy’s jack with the queen and, with a choice of winning defenses, led another diamond. South ruffed, took the ace of hearts, ruffed a heart, ruffed a diamond and ruffed another heart. East overruffed with the ten and cashed the ace, leaving dummy with only one trump, so South had a heart to lose. Down one. South begged for trouble when he led a trump. Since he has no side-suit losers, he can afford three in trumps. At Trick Two, South should start a crossruff. No matter how East defends, South loses only three trump tricks.

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