New York Post



The workings of the human brain are complex. Proficienc­y at bridge involves many factors, but one is the ability to mentally manipulate an array of cards. Some people have brains wired for that skill.

You’re declarer at today’s three spades. You doubled at your first turn, then bid your spades to show extra strength. West leads the king and a second heart. After ruffing, what do you do?

If you start the trumps, West wins the second round and continues hearts. You ruff and cash your last trump, but West discards: East still has a trump. When you take the A-K of clubs next and lead the queen, East ruffs, and you also lose a club and a diamond. Down one.

A player with great “card sense” may succeed. After South ruffs the second heart, he takes the A-K of diamonds and A-K of clubs and leads a low club.

If West wins and leads another heart, South ruffs, then ruffs his queen of clubs with the queen of trumps. He still has two trump tricks in his hand for nine in all.

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