New York Post

Daily Horoscope


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)

This may be your best time of year but to make the most of it you have got to overcome your tendency to fear the worst. The way you think determines what kind of experience­s you will encounter, so be positive in all situations.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)

You may not be getting the breaks you think you deserve but complainin­g about it won't change a thing. Take a long, hard look at the way you conduct your affairs and ask yourself what changes you can make to improve things. Then make them.

PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)

If a friend or family member makes a suggestion today don't reject it simply because it does not fit in with what you have planned. It may well be that they can see your situation better than you can see it yourself. Be humble and take their advice.

ARIES (March 21-April 20)

No matter how hungry and ambitious you may be there is only so far you can go on your own and at some point today you will realise that it's time to pool your resources with other people who share your values. Together you can do it all.

TAURUS (April 21-May 21)

The Sun in the sympatheti­c sign of Capricorn will protect you from harm in most situations but don't take foolish risks, just in case. If you think you are invincible you may learn the hard way that even the toughest Taurus can still be brought down.

GEMINI (May 22-June 21)

Focus on the good things in life and pretend that the bad things no longer exist. It may not be true but if you train your mind to think that way your reality will, by and large, mould itself to fit your perception­s. Ignore your fears and go for it.

CANCER (June 22-July 23)

What happens over the next few days will test your self-control to the absolute limit. Resist the urge to get angry because if you make a spectacle of yourself it could have an adverse effect on your reputation, and maybe your love life too.

LEO (July 24-Aug. 23)

If you find it hard to make much of an effort today don't fight the feeling. The planets warn if you push yourself too hard you could regret it before the end of the year. The less you do now the more fun the holiday season will be.

VIRGO (Aug. 24-Sept. 23)

You need to remind yourself that what excites you may not be what excites other people. Don't take it personally if a friend or family member tells you they don't want to play your kind of games - there are still plenty of others who do.

LIBRA (Sept. 24-Oct. 23)

You will enjoy life more if you do less between now and the turn of the year. It may be true that the more you give the more you get in return but on this occasion good things will come to you even if you do nothing at all.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

You may be strong enough to take whatever life throws at you but that does not mean you should set yourself up as a target. Keep a low profile today and over the weekend and let friends and relatives do more of the work for a change.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)

The more you try to influence events the less effect your efforts seem to have, so maybe you should take the hint and stop trying so hard. Leave well alone and let fate take its course - the outcome will be better than you expected.


You want to make a name for yourself but there is a danger that in your haste to get ahead in the world you will do something that brings the kind of recognitio­n you could do without. You don't have to be famous to get more out of life.

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