New York Post

No Silver lining to LeBron’s repeated public vulgaritie­s


NBA COMMISSION­ER Adam Silver seems to be leaning in the direction of Bud Selig and Roger Goodell — he is waiting too long to do the right things by the game and its right-headed fans. Though LeBron James demonstrat­ed his word-sensitivit­y vis-à-vis Phil Jackson’s “posse” comment, James, among the NBA’s most looked-up-to among kids, continues to publicly speak the F-word as if it is a prepositio­n.

Why not demand better from the best? Get on him; explain it to him. Or is it that as long as he sells jerseys — the Cavaliers now have five uniforms to serve that purpose — why rock his effin’ boat?

Get on — and hard — all the players, mostly college men, who tweet and otherwise disseminat­e ugly, menacing threats, vulgaritie­s and otherwise seize their profession­alism to ratchet up low behavior.

That the NBA didn’t suspend and loudly condemn Wizards’ assistant coach Sidney Lowe, who at 57 pulled off one of the bushest moves in memory, was, at the least, discouragi­ng.

On Jan. 19, the Knicks trailed Washington by three, 13 seconds left, when Courtney Lee squared to take a potential game-tying 3. That is when Lowe jumped on to the court to holler in Lee’s ear, as if he were a de- fender. John Wall then stole the pass that Lowe’s presence forced. Game over.

Sidney low. Lowe was fined $5,000, his team 15 grand. Got that, kids? The ends justify the means. For just 20 grand the NBA will allow coaches to jump on the court to blindside opposing players with shouts in their ears in games’ decisive moments.

Don’t wait for it to go away by itself, Commission­er. It won’t. It never does. Don’t wait for too late. What is the worst that can happen? You’ll risk the ridicule of cool fools for favoring right over wrong, for not pandering to those who don’t know or care about the difference?

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