New York Post

NY doctor & student stranded


A Brooklyn doctor and a CUNY student on Monday were unable to return to work and school under President Trump’s travel ban after visiting their homelands.

Dr. Kamal Fadlalla, a secondyear resident at Interfaith Medical Center in Crown Heights, left the United States for his home of Sudan on Jan. 13 and planned to remain with his family through February.

He decided to cut the trip short after Trump took office, but got stuck after an officer stopped him from boarding his flight back to the United States.

“My colleagues are going to be affected. My hospital is going to be affected. And for sure, my patients are going to be affected,” Fadlalla said Monday.

Protesters rallied in Brooklyn to blast the barring of another stranded traveler, an Iranian CUNY grad student Monday.

Saira Rafiee, a political-science Ph.D. candidate, was held in the United Arab Emirates.

“I got on the flight to Abu Dhabi, but there at the airport was told that I would not be able to enter the US,” she wrote on Facebook. “I had to stay there for nearly 18 hours . . . before getting on the flight back to Tehran.”

Her supporters gathered in front of Brooklyn federal court Monday to demand her return.

Meanwhile, a family with a sick baby coming back from a vacation in Saudi Arabia was detained at JFK Airport Monday before being allowed to return to their New Jersey home.

“I was scared here for six hours. I didn’t know if I was going to go in or out,” said the father, 26, who is from Syria.

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