New York Post

Senate War on Warren: Shutting Down Her Rants


Corretta Scott King was a lovely woman and a positive civil-rights spokeswoma­n. However, her words in a 31-yearold letter, in which she accused Sen. Jeff Sessions of trying to stop black Americans from voting, were her opinion, not necessaril­y fact. Those words don’t belong on the floor of the Senate (“Mitch cuts off Sen. Warren,” Feb. 8).

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is just an agitator. She loves to stir the pot. I hope someone mounts a serious challenge against her in 2018 and wins, so she can just go away. Wishful thinking, I know. Jean Cole Juno Beach, Fla.

Warren will do anything to get her name in the media.

Even if there is some substantiv­e truth to King’s letter (which no one can really prove), this complaint is from 30 years ago.

Maybe what Sessions did or said back then really was what he believed. Can’t he change his mind?

Have any of you changed your point of view on issues? Of course you have. Then again, maybe Warren isn’t like the rest of us — maybe she’s perfect. Earl Strugger Boynton Beach, Fla.

If Warren’s going to expect us to judge Sessions on some old letter, she should also be judged by her repeated and dubious claim about being of Native American heritage. M. Adler Long Island

Liberals think it’s fine to block Milo Yiannopolo­us from speaking his mind in public. Why is blocking Warren from speaking her mind in the Senate now suddenly a violation of the First Amendment? Jonathan Bachrach Manhattan

Elizabeth Warren is proof that Massachuse­tts voters will elect anyone with a “D” after their name.

A fake Indian tells lies about Sessions: What a sorry Pinocchio. More embarrassm­ent for the Democrats. Michael Velsmid Nantucket, Mass.

Truly a banner day for Democrats: Sen. Warren is kicked off the Senate floor for refusing to follow the rules because she insisted on reading a letter that was “unworthy or unbecoming a senator.” James Anderson Talladega, Ala.

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