New York Post

Heastie vs. Kids


Messy as this year’s state budget talks have been, nothing is uglier than Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie’s disgracefu­l effort to try to starve charter schools. Time and again, Heastie reportedly blew up tentative deals with his insistence that per-pupil charter funding for these public schools remain frozen at 2009 levels.

To preserve this unfairly low funding for these students — about a tenth of the city’s public-school population — Heastie apparently was even willing to sacrifice Raise the Age, supposedly the top priority of Assembly Democrats.

Raise the Age aims to keep 16- and 17-yearolds out of adult criminal courts. But Heastie seemed willing to abandon those teens . . . in order to slap other children, the ones who attend charters.

By all accounts, he was pushed to this obscene extreme by New York’s teachers unions — an adult special interest.

Back in 2009, the unions got the Legisla- ture to freeze charters’ funding: Ever since, state aid has kept rising for regular (unionfrien­dly) public schools, while charters have seen only token increases.

By law, the freeze was to end this year, so charters’ per-pupil support would finally (nearly) catch up to the regular-school average.

That means about $1,500 more per charter pupil — which Heastie started calling a “windfall” for charters. And Gov. Cuomo, to his shame, also wound up using the term.

Sorry: It’s no windfall when you finally get taken off a starvation diet.

And the “compromise” Cuomo offered Thursday night still lets Heastie win: It extends the freeze another year. Some reports suggest charters would get $1,450 per pupil in extra state aid this year, but not as “baseline” funding they can be sure will continue.

Officially, the freeze would truly end next year — but Heastie could try the same stunt again. After all, the speaker seems determined to maintain two separate and unequal classes of public-school students.

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