New York Post

Noshville can’t take a joke or 2

- Cindy Adams

NASHVILLE types are publicly complainin­g about what they call the “s - - tburger” column I wrote about Nashville.

I’m stunned. It’s the first I ever heard that they could read with their lips.

What’s their problem? I wrote they’re friendly. I reported their food’s great. I said the mayor’s attractive. The hotel for which I paid (no comp) was excellent. Why are they mad? Why? My fault they have an inferiorit­y complex? Maybe they’re just inferior.

I only gently suggested in print that often they’re a little wide. Like rounder rather than taller. Like if they’re 6-foot-4, it’s in width. That’s my fault?

Say, for instance, one lone Nashvillai­n of a certain girth ambles down a sidewalk strictly alone, solo, singly, nobody with him, all by his own fat self — and that automatica­lly makes it a one-way street — I’m to blame?

Gorgeous Faith Hill lives there with hubby

Tim McGraw. And she’s so slim. I don’t get it. Must be she eats in Boston.

I demeaned them? Please. Civilizati­on’s already done that to this little tone-deaf music outpost, so what do they want from me?

I never said they move their lips when they read. Never in- sulted them. Never said that in bars midday locals drink so much beer, if they ate a pretzel you’d hear it squash. For their benefit, I even used short words. Like if I wanted to pee on them, that would’ve been only three letters. Why are they upset?

 ??  ?? Tim McGraw & Faith Hill: She must not eat the local grub.
Tim McGraw & Faith Hill: She must not eat the local grub.
 ??  ??

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