New York Post

Comey’s Revelation­s


So President Trump was absolutely correct when he insisted — to much derision from Democrats and the mainstream media — that then-FBI Director James Comey assured him three times that he wasn’t personally under investigat­ion.

That’s just one of the revelation­s in Comey’s prepared statement for his Thursday testimony before the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee.

Yes, some of the others paint the president as unaware or unconcerne­d with how the government works, and as obsessed with top officials’ “loyalty.”

And Comey says Trump repeatedly asked for the investigat­ion of ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn to go away.

But also that the prez never crossed the line by actually ordering a shutdown.

An order would be considered obstructio­n of justice. But just making the request is troubling — since it suggests the president doesn’t appreciate why investigat­ive agencies like the FBI must remain fully independen­t and immune from political interferen­ce.

And that can be dangerous — not least of all for the president himself.

Comey emphasizes, “I did not say I would ‘let this go.’ ” But he also says Trump’s requests left him so uncomforta­ble that he “implored” Attorney General Jeff Sessions to “prevent any further direct communicat­ion” between Comey and Trump.

And he says Trump complained that the entire investigat­ion into possible collusion with Russia was “a cloud that was impairing his ability to act” and asked what Comey could do “to lift the cloud.”

The ex-director says he’s documented all this with memos, but refuses to turn them over to the committee. But he wrote them on the job, so they’re not his property.

Whatever Comey says under questionin­g Thursday, Congress plainly needs to demand those memos and any similar ones from his entire FBI tenure.

To date, the “cloud” over Trump is made entirely of conjecture, rumor and anonymous leaks. The public deserves hard evidence.

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