New York Post


- MICHAEL WALSH Michael Walsh is an author, screenwrit­er and contributi­ng editor at PJ Media. His most recent book is “The Devil’s Pleasure Palace.”

IF you want a visible symbol of all that’s wrong with Washington these days, look no further than the 6foot-8-inch frame of James B. Comey Jr., whose DC circus act finally closed on Thursday with an unctuous performanc­e before the Senate intelligen­ce committee. Seeking to take down the president of the United States for unceremoni­ously firing him, the former FBI director succeeded primarily in embarrassi­ng himself and the bureau. Call him the Biggest Loser. But Comey’s not alone. During his much-hyped testimony — treated by the media as the second coming of Joe Valachi ratting out the Mafia — Comey did manage to smear president Trump’s character (a “liar”). He also succeeded in wounding his former boss, Loretta Lynch, embarrassi­ng The New York Times and hurting the feelings of the anonymous-quoting media by likening them to “feeding seagulls at the beach.”

For a White House press corps praying for Watergate redux, Comey even outed himself as this year’s model of Deep Throat, freely admitting he leaked his own memo regard- ing his unease with Trump via a buddy at Columbia Law School. He admitted he did it to provoke the appointmen­t of a special counsel to investigat­e the alleged Russian interferen­ce with the 2016 presidenti­al election.

Comey’s self-detonation took down others as well. He described in detail how former Attorney General Lynch insisted that he characteri­ze his probe into Hillary Clinton’s egregious mishandlin­g of classified materials as simply a “matter” rather than an “investigat­ion.”

Troubled by Lynch’s prejudicia­l meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Phoenix while his wife was under Justice Department scrutiny, he therefore took the matter into his own hands by injecting the FBI directly into the campaign, not once but twice — something he had no right to do.

Another casualty of his testimony was his descriptio­n of a “blockbuste­r” Times story in February that alleged “repeated contacts” between Team Trump and Russian intelligen­ce officials as “almost completely wrong.” That story, like most of the anti-Trump reporting lately in the Times and The Washington Post, was based on anonymous “current and former American officials.” The president has been madly tweeting about “fake news” for months, and here was a classic example of it.

Even Comey’s friends haven’t escaped unscathed. The man who supposedly read Comey’s still-unseen private memo to a reporter, identified as professor Dan Richman, has gone to ground after Trump’s personal attorney, Marc Kasowitz, issued a statement suggesting legal action for “unauthoriz­ed disclosure of privileged informatio­n.” So what’s the state of play now? We know for sure that Trump was never under investigat­ion during the FBI’s probe into former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn and the phantasmag­orical “Russian hacking” of the election. We know because James Comey finally confirmed one of the few details of this case that had somehow not leaked out.

We know that the Obama administra­tion had its thumb on the scale throughout the entire Clinton investigat­ion; we also know that Comey accommodat­ed every break his boss Lynch gave Clinton without a smidgen of dudgeon.

Still up for debate is the insinuatio­n that Trump is guilty of obstructio­n of justice for telling Comey he “hoped” the FBI could let “good guy” Flynn off the hook for his contacts with the Russians. There’s still no concrete evidence of any malfeasanc­e, and the Times’ discredite­d story ought to concern other reporters that Obama loyalists could be manipulati­ng them as part of the “resistance.”

At least we finally we know something important about Washington today: that getting and keeping the job in DC is more important than actually doing the job. If the sensitive Comey felt pressured by Trump to drop the Russia probe, his proper recourse was informing his boss, Jeff Sessions, not leaking a “Dear Diary” entry to the media when it served the purposes of bureaucrat­ic infighting.

Despite all the collateral damage, the political situation remains unchanged. Those who refuse to accept the results of the election will continue to harry the White House, while Trump’s defenders will redouble efforts to stop them.

Meanwhile, there’s a new FBI director on the way, health care and tax reform, and Donald Trump remains president.

Jim Comey lost his job. Now let The Donald do his.

 ??  ?? Former FBI boss James Comey threw many under the bus to Congress.
Former FBI boss James Comey threw many under the bus to Congress.
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