New York Post

Shell shock as star stolen

Tortoise, 100, swiped in Queens

- Tina Moore

A 100-year-old tortoise was swiped from the Alley Pond Environmen­tal Center in Queens, police sources said.

Staff members first noticed that their reptile rock star, Millennium, was missing at around 4:15 p.m. Monday, according to the sources.

Authoritie­s believe that someone either stole him earlier in the day or over the weekend, on account of his enclosure being forced open.

The 95pound African spurred tortoise is one of APEC’s most prized animals.

Such tortoises, which originate in hot dry desert lands in Africa can’t swim but can hold their breath for a long time, the park center said, and they live between 80 and 100 years.

The species has become all the rage among celebritie­s in recent years. They are owned by the likes of movie star Leonardo DiCaprio and football player Colin Kaepernick, according to Buzzfeed, which said they can cost between $50 and $200 at pet dealers.

Millennium — who has a smaller partner at the park named“Mini Me — has become a celebrity in his own right in Queens.

He has taken part in school events, birthday parties and even walk-a-thons.

Park officials encourage visitors to pet the tortoise, as he has nerve endings in his shell and feels all the “pets, rubs and scratches.”

Investigat­ors were searching for surveillan­ce video in hopes of catching the thief on tape.

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