New York Post

Campfiring 'em up

Don's Bam bash at Boy Scout Jamboree


President Trump gave a rousing speech to tens of thousands of Boy Scouts in West Virginia Monday evening, blasting former President Barack Obama, grousing about the media and telling a tale about yachts and cocktail parties.

“Tonight, we put aside all of the policy fights in Washington, DC, you’ve been hearing about with the fake news,” Trump told the crowd at the National Boy Scout Jamboree. “Who the hell wants to speak about politics when I’m in front of the Boy Scouts?”

Trump told a tale about a successful home builder who wasted his fortune away on indiscreti­ons.

“I’ll tell you a story that’s very interestin­g to me. When I was young, there was a man named William Levitt,” Trump said. “He went out and bought a big yacht and he had a very interestin­g life. I won’t go into that because you’re Boy Scouts. I’m not going to tell you what he did — should I tell you?”

Trump eventually conveyed to the Scouts — who cheered heartily for the president — how Levitt lost his fortune after spending too much time away from his business.

“He lost his momentum. He took this period of time off — years — and then when he got back he didn’t have the same momentum.”

Trump also regaled the Scouts with his unlikely election victory over Hillary Clinton.

“You remember that incredible night with the maps?” Trump said. “Michigan came in. And we worked hard there. You know, my opponent didn’t work hard there. She was told she was gonna win Michigan and I said, wait a minute the car industry is going to move to Mexico.”

The president continued to thank the Scouts for helping him reach the the White House — even though the kids are too young to vote.

“What we did in all fairness is an unbelievab­le tribute to you and all the millions and millions that came out to Make America Great Again,” he said.

Trump even convinced the Scouts to boo both Clinton and Obama, whom he jabbed for not attending a jamboree.

“By the way, just a question,” Trump asked. “Did President Obama ever come to a jamboree?”

The Boy Scouts then booed the former president and chanted, “We love Trump.”

The president also assured the crowd that there would be plenty of cheer this Christmas season.

“Under the Trump administra­tion, you’ll be saying Merry Christmas again when you go shopping,” Trump said.

“They’ve been down playing that little beautiful phrase. You’re going to be saying, ‘Merry Christmas’ again, folks.”

The president also added a note about the importance of loyalty.

“As the Scout law says, a Scout is trustworth­y, loyal,” Trump said. “We could use some more loyalty, I will tell you that.”

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