New York Post


- — Compiled by Eric Fettmann

Political scribe: The Trump Voter Story No One’s Telling

One Wisconsin Democratic legislator’s effort to figure out how Donald Trump carried her state last November turned up a surprising result, reports Daniel Allott at The Washington Examiner. In her mostly white, rural, traditiona­lly Democratic county, fully one-quarter of those who went to the polls “had never voted before.” Indeed, those who voted in 2016 and those who turned out four years earlier were “two different sets of people.” Trump “motivated those voters,” despite his “urban sensibilit­y” and “uncouthnes­s,” and carried the area by 13 points. The lesson for Democrats: “Instead of placing voters on a political or ideologica­l spectrum . . . put them on a continuum of engagement — from really engaged to ‘I don’t give a damn.’ ”

Security writer: Taliban — Terrorists or Peace Partners?

President Trump’s newly announced policy in Afghanista­n provides “much-needed clarity,” says Stephen Hayes at The Weekly Standard, but also leaves unanswered “many outstandin­g questions” — the most important of which is: “What do we do with the Taliban?” It’s a question on which the administra­tion “seems badly divided”: White House and Pentagon national-security officials “are deeply skeptical of negotiatio­ns,” but others “consider the Taliban a potential partner for peace.” And White House talking points after the speech gave a mixed message. But giving the Taliban political legitimacy “is absurd,” says Hayes. Indeed, “the administra­tion’s confused language” actually “undercuts the president’s otherwise resolute message on the way forward.”

Submarine vet: More Evidence of a Beleaguere­d Navy

“What the hell is going on with the Seventh Fleet?” asks Bob McManus at City Journal, after the second fatal collision in as many months involving a US destroyer, USS John McCain. Actually, it’s hardly surprising, “considerin­g the Navy’s current state.” It “has far fewer ships than it needs to carry out its assigned duties; its sailors are over-deployed and underreste­d; its equipment is often obsolescen­t, and it is emerging from eight years under the leadership of a Navy secretary . . . whose social-justice priorities almost always took precedence over tradition, morale, training and operationa­l readiness.” As for destroyers like McCain, “there aren’t enough of them and there’s no money to build more, so they’re over-deployed, their sailors exhausted, their crew quality degraded.” Such conditions “are a recipe not just for mishaps but for unqualifie­d disaster.”

Energy writer: Beware the Perils of Solar Power

This week’s eclipse has thrown the rapid increase in the use of solar power into sharp relief, argues Jamie Horgan at The American Interest. As of March, solar power generated 2 percent of our overall electricit­y, varying seasonally with the amount of sunlight. But “like its renewable cousin, wind power, solar is by its very nature intermitte­nt,” supplying the grid only “when the sun is shining.” If we ever reach the point where solar provides 100 percent, that could “wreak havoc,” because “electricit­y needs to be abundant, cheap, but above all reliable.” And when “panels can’t produce power, backups need to be switched on, and that means continuing to invest in options that can be relied on” 24/7, like fossil fuels.

Historian: The Rebel General Whose Memory Was Erased

You’ll find precious few mentions on Confederat­e memorabili­a of William Mahone, one of Robert E. Lee’s most able generals, notes Jane Dailey at Huffington Post. He hasn’t been totally forgotten, but rather is “selectivel­y remembered,” having become “one of the most maligned political leaders in post-Civil War America.” Mahone “organized and led the most successful interracia­l political alliance in the post-emancipati­on South,” gaining significan­t power in his native Virginia. His majority-black Readjustor Party “legitimate­d and promoted African-American citizenshi­p and political power by supporting black suffrage, office-holding and jury service.” After Reconstruc­tion, Mahone “was characteri­zed by whites in Virginia as a demagogic race traitor with autocratic tendencies.” So you’ll see no Mahone statues, because for the South, “interracia­l political cooperatio­n had to be forgotten.”

 ??  ?? USS John McCain
USS John McCain

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