New York Post

Cops Aren’t Soldiers

So don’t give them war machines

- RAND PAUL Rand Paul, a Republican, is a US senator from Kentucky.

SPEAKING to the Fraternal Order of Police in Tennessee this morning, Attorney General Jeff Sessions formally announced that the Trump administra­tion will restart giving surplus military weapons and equipment to state and local law enforcemen­t. That’s a mistake. What kind of equipment are we talking about? Well, Haverhill, Mass., a town of fewer than 65,000, got a nearly 20-ton Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle. Keene, N.H., a town of fewer than 30,000, got an 8-ton armored BearCat. Over 10,000 bayonets have been handed out. Yes, bayonets.

Police work is unquestion­ably difficult — and often thankless. I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for those who put it all on the line to protect our communitie­s, and I saw their bravery firsthand this summer when Capitol Police officers made all the difference during the attack on our congressio­nal baseball-game practice.

To support our local police, we must first realize they aren’t soldiers. But today the line between the two is being eroded. And those who suffer the consequenc­es are usually innocent civilians.

It’s no surprise you can find big government right at the heart of this problem. Washington has incentiviz­ed the militariza­tion of local police precincts by using federal dollars to help municipal government­s build what are essentiall­y small armies — where police department­s compete to acquire military gear.

Plus, over a third of the “surplus” equipment is new, so it’s disingenuo­us to portray it as banged-up old stuff lying around the garage.

When we couple militarizi­ng law enforcemen­t with the erosion of civil liberties and due process that allows the police to become judge and jury — national-security letters, noknock searches, broad general warrants, pre-conviction asset forfeiture — we see the magnitude of the problem.

National Review’s John Fund has observed: “The proliferat­ion of paramilita­ry federal SWAT teams inevitably brings abuses that have nothing to do with either drugs or terrorism. Many of the raids they conduct are against harmless, often innocent, Americans who typically are accused of nonviolent civil or administra­tive violations.”

Fund also notes: “By 2005, at least 80 percent of towns with a population between 25,000 and 50,000 people had their own SWAT team,” and that “the number of raids conducted by local police SWAT teams has gone from 3,000 a year in the 1980s to over 50,000 a year [in 2014].”

Given these developmen­ts, it’s natural for many Americans — especially minorities, given the racial disparitie­s in policing — to feel like their government is targeting them. Anyone who thinks that race does not still, even if inadverten­tly, skew the applicatio­n of criminal justice isn’t paying close enough attention. Our prisons are full of black and brown men and women who are serving inappropri­ately long and harsh sentences for nonviolent mistakes in their youth.

Our Justice Department should be leading the conversati­on on reforming the system, not setting it back further.

Americans must never sacrifice their liberty for an elusive and dangerous — or false — security. The militariza­tion of our law enforcemen­t is just another symptom of an overall problem that stems from an unpreceden­ted expansion of government power — where we are repeatedly asked to make such “liberty for what we tell you is security” tradeoffs.

Ultimately, if we sacrifice the very nature of the institutio­ns we have set up to enforce the law, what kind of law will we end up enforcing?

When Congress returns, I will reintroduc­e my Stop Militarizi­ng Our Law Enforcemen­t Act, which will address this issue by prohibitin­g the federal transfer of militarize­d equipment to state and local law enforcemen­t, including MRAP vehicles, drones and armored vehicles transferre­d through the Department of Defense’s 1033, Department of Justice’s Byrne Justice Assistance Grant and Department of Homeland Security’s grant programs.

This prohibitio­n only applies to offensive equipment and not defensive equipment, such as body armor. It’ll increase these programs’ transparen­cy and accountabi­lity and also help us find out how federal agencies are using militaryst­yle training and equipment.

I have been encouraged by how much progress we have made under President Trump to roll back overzealou­s government and get unnecessar­y regulation off the American people’s backs. In cutting onerous regulation­s, the president has made clear he is listening to the American people.

I urge President Trump and Attorney General Sessions to listen to the concerns Americans have raised regarding police militariza­tion and reconsider their decision.

 ??  ?? Tanks for everything: Ferguson, Mo., protests in 2014 led President Obama to limit police militariza­tion, which President Trump is set to reverse.
Tanks for everything: Ferguson, Mo., protests in 2014 led President Obama to limit police militariza­tion, which President Trump is set to reverse.

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