New York Post

Frazier not mad about hidden-ball trick


TORONTO — Some may view Blue Jays shortstop Ryan Goins faking a throw to the mound and catching Todd Frazier off second base in the third inning of Friday night’s 8-1 Yankees loss at Rogers Centre as cheap.

After all, the Blue Jays aren’t headed for the postseason and the Yankees are in races for the AL East and the top wild-card spot.

However, don’t count Frazier among those who feel Goins strayed from baseball’s unwritten rule book.

“I thought I did and I didn’t,’’ Frazier said of having two feet on the base when right fielder Jose Bautista threw the ball to Goins after catching Jacoby Ellsbury’s fly ball for the second out of the inning. “It’s a bonehead play by me to be honest with you. I have to have a better mindset about what is going on in the game. It’s not a good play on my part. It could have changed the game. If I stay on the base we had [Aaron] Judge up and you never know what happens.’’

Brett Gardner’s subpar numbers against Blue Jays starter Marco Estrada weren’t the main reason he wasn’t in the lineup Friday.

“He is still a little sore so I said, ‘Let’s take today,’ ” Joe Girardi said of using Clint Frazier in left field and Jacoby Ellsbury in Gardner’s leadoff spot. “The one thing I don’t want him to do is alter his swing. You feel a little weakness there and you try to swing.’’

Gardner was hit in the right shoulder by a pitch from the Twins’ Nick Turley in the fifth inning Wednesday. Gardner stayed in the game until the seventh, when Clint Frazier hit for him.

Girardi said Gardner was available off the bench Friday and expected him to return to the lineup Saturday.

Following the loss, Gardner said he would be able to play Saturday after taking batting practice Friday with no problem.

Intruder in Yanks’ clubhouse

A man was detained by stadium security after gaining entry to the Yankees clubhouse.

While Masahiro Tanaka was speaking to reporters following the Yankees loss, several clubhouse attendants, a Yankees security staffer and players Todd Frazier and Tyler Wade chased the fan out the rear doors of the clubhouse.

The man apparently attempted to steal some towels and a Yankees batting helmet used by the ball boys.

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