New York Post

How Bam Turned a Blind Eye To Russian Law-Breaking


As if it wasn’t bad enough that President Barack Obama granted Iran the ability to develop nuclear weapons through the Iran deal, we now learn he may have looked the other way as Russia gained control of much of America’s uranium resources (“Winking at Putin’s Crimes,” Editorial, Oct. 18).

It’s time to hold Obama accountabl­e for his actions as president. Gerald Jacobs Manhattan

We have to address the elephant in the room: Aside from paying a $500,000 speaking fee to President Bill Clinton (that must have been some speech), why did Russia fund a $145 million donation to the Clinton Foundation, and where did the money end up?

The Obama presidency was one of the most corrupt administra­tions in history, yet no one ever goes to jail. Joe Alloy Wayne, NJ

The revelation­s that the sale of our uranium resources to Russia coincided with Russian donations to the Clinton Foundation raises the question: Why did the foundation omit the names of foreign donors from its tax returns for several years while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state? This should be investigat­ed. Jim Ahlers N. Massapequa

Forget about all the hullabaloo about Russia colluding with the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

Congress needs to investigat­e how Moscow was allowed to infiltrate the US atomic-energy industry, and why Team Obama deep-sixed FBI evidence pertaining to Russia’s flagrant violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Some Russian reset that was.

How interestin­g that former FBI Director Robert Mueller, the Russian-bear bloodhound, was running the FBI at the time. Former FBI Director James Comey, his protégé, was another see-no-evil, speak-noevil director. James Hyland Beechhurst

Mueller’s investigat­ion into collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign during the 2016 election should be closed here and now. The very charge is ludicrous on its face.

If Russia did fund generous donations to the Clinton Foundation and paid Bill’s fat speaking fees to influence Hillary Clinton’s foreign-policy decisions, why on earth would the Kremlin lift a finger to help put Trump in the White House? Jerome Huyler Brooklyn

 ??  ?? Barack Obama
Barack Obama

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