New York Post

Weird true BUT


Oh, brother. A 9-year-old Canadian girl left Santa an unusual message spray-painted in the snow outside her home in Newfoundla­nd: “Santa stop here. Leave presents. Take brother.’’

The note added she tried to get along with her 13year-old sibling, Ryan, but he was the “worst.’’

Ryan laughed off the prank.

This infant is going to grow up to be a genius.

Nayzia Thomas, a sophomore at Johnson County Community College in Missouri, finished up her psychology final while she was in a hospital preparing to give birth.

Her son, Anthony, arrived 12 hours later. Talk about a lone wolf. A wolf followed a woman riding a horse in the Swedish countrysid­e for nearly a half-mile.

The wolf “was curious and not aggressive,’’ the woman said. “It felt as if she was just lonely and looking for a friend.’’

When the horse and rider turned off the trail at a road, the wolf “seemed disappoint­ed,’’ said the woman, who was not identified. What a good sport. A student at a high school in Highlands Ranch, Colo., made a bet with his French teacher: She’d give everyone in her class a perfect score if his post about the wager got 2,000 retweets. It got almost 3,000. But the teen who made the bet and the rest of his class, fearing the teacher would get in trouble, voted to cancel the bet.

When a deer walked into a Fort Collins, Colo., store, clerk Lori Jordan tried to shoo it away, but it wouldn’t leave until she gave it a peanut bar.

The doe, knowing she had a good thing going, came back two hours later — with her four fawns. “I started laughing,’’ Jordan said.

She gave each of the fawns a similar treat, but has a warning for others: “You should never feed the deer because they’re going to keep coming back.” Wire Services

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