New York Post

Weird BUT true


This guy was buggin’ out. A naked man high on a mixture of bug spray and meth terrorized a Tennessee family when he broke into their house during dinner and cut his throat in front of them, cops said.

Danny Hollis Jr. told cops he doesn’t remember busting into the Lawrence County family’s house — or sitting naked at their dinner table before slicing his neck with a knife and jumping out a second-story window.

He got a ride — to central booking.

A Danish drug dealer’s freedom was gone in a puff after he jumped into a cop car, thinking it was a taxi.

“The police officers were happy to see him, since he was carrying around 1,000 joints,” Copenhagen cops tweeted after arresting the unnamed man. It’s a tough nut to crack. A man who says he suffers uncontroll­able orgasms whenever he lies down is trying to find a way to reverse the condition.

The man claims to have so frequently used a sex toy that it “rewired” his brain to achieve climax every time he’s horizontal. The case was even covered in the scientific journal Clinical Anatomy. Wreck the halls! Estonian police sent 700 “black” Christmas cards featuring photos of mangled car crashes to the Baltic nation’s worst drivers, to encourage them to drive safely during the holidays.

“Believe us, your family and friends wish the same,” the card states.

An Australian crocodile farm is selling baby crocs for Christmas.

The Northern Territory’s Crocodylus Park put 100 tiny terrors on sale for halfoff and Christmas shoppers snapped them right up.

People living in urban areas must get a permit for the tiny beasts and return them to the farm once they reach about 2 feet long, which takes around a year.

But folks living in the boonies can keep the reptiles as long as they want.

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