New York Post

Trump’s ‘absent’ minded

100 visits away


President Trump, currently on a 10-day vacation at his Florida resort for the Christmas holiday, has spent nearly a third of his time in office at his own properties, a report said Monday.

A review by The Wall Street Journal found that Trump has visited his properties 100 times, including spending 40 days at his golf resort in Bedminster, NJ, and 40 days at Mar-a-Lago, which the president often refers to as the “Winter White House.”

The report said other presidents often spent time away at homes they owned, like President George H.W. Bush in Kennebunk, Maine, or at rented accommodat­ions as President Barack Obama did in Hawaii.

Others spent weekends or vacations at Camp David, the presidenti­al retreat in the Maryland mountains.

But Trump is unique in that he visits places he owns but where others pay to stay, the report said — raising questions about the appearance of the president promoting one of his properties from which he draws revenue.

“George W. Bush went to his ranch in Crawford, Texas, a lot, but it’s not like you could rent the bedroom next to his,” Jordan Libowitz, a spokesman for Citizens for Responsibi­lity and Ethics in Washington, told the Journal.

Furthermor­e, the frequent trips to his properties come with a sizable tab for taxpayers. Trump’s air travel to Mar-a-Lago has cost the government $6 million this year, according to a review of Air Force records. And that doesn’t include the additional expenses for Secret Service and Coast Guard security.

By contrast, the report said Obama and his family spent $96 million on travel during his eight years in office, an average of about $1 million a month.

Trump’s air travel to Florida alone has averaged about $1.5 million a month.

During the campaign, Trump often mocked Obama for the time he spent golfing and said he would not be the kind of president who took vacations.

“I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,” Trump said in July 2015.

The White House did not respond to requests for comment.

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