New York Post

Good hydrations

- — Jane Ridley

Water is a crucial element of the “Target 100” plan, in which expert Liz Josefsberg recommends drinking 100 ounces per day. Here are her tips for succeeding:

• Place a glass of ice water next to your bed at night to drink when you wake up.

• Set up a trigger that reminds you to drink water throughout the day (alarm on phone, calendar notice, sticky notes).

• Have a glass of water before every meal and in between every alcoholic beverage you consume.

• Keep a large batch of flavored water (fresh mint, strawberri­es and the like) in your fridge. Get an infuser bottle (with a chamber for fruit and herbs) so you can enjoy a healthy, flavored beverage.

• Replace one caffeinate­d drink per day with water. • Don’t drink soda. • Add hydrating foods such as watermelon or cucumber to meals.

• Start a water challenge at work or at home. Challenge co-workers or your family members to drink 100 ounces every day.

• When hunger strikes, try drinking water first, then decide whether you’re really hungry.

• Take a bottle of water with you when you are out shopping — the air in stores is often dry, and drinking water will help you avoid impulse-buying a beverage.

• Find a variety of green tea you like and enjoy it hot or cold, without sweetener.

• If you still find getting 100 ounces impossible, try adding just 10 extra ounces each day — and then add another 10 the following week.

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