New York Post

Building a better America

- Source:The White House se

President Trump’s infrastruc­ture plan aims for $1.5 trillion in investment by federal, state and private funding. The federal government’s $200 billion share would be split among five programs:

$100 billion in incentive 1 grants to help state and local government­s pay for projects. Those in which state and local government­s pick up most of the tab will be viewed more favorably.

$50 billion for block grants 2 to governors to fund rural infrastruc­ture projects

$20 billion to expand existing 3 government lending programs for transporta­tion, water and rail projects

4 $20 billion for “transforma­tive” programs for visionary projects that can “lift the American spirit”

$10 billion for a capital-financing 5 fund for federal government office buildings

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