New York Post

$4.4T in ‘wish list’

Trump budget plan


President Trump unveiled a new $4.4 trillion budget proposal Monday that boosts spending for the military, homeland security and infrastruc­ture while imposing cuts to social-welfare programs.

Trump’s second budget, about $300 billion more than the current one, would also add $984 billion to the 2019 fiscal deficit and nearly $7.1 trillion to the federal deficit over the next decade, ignoring concerns from fiscal hawks over a ballooning national debt.

“Does it balance? No, it doesn’t,” conceded Budget Director Mick Mulvaney.

“I couldn’t come in here and tell you using solid numbers that we could balance [the budget] in 10 years, because we can’t.”

Freed from budget caps, Trump proposed a $686 billion budget for the Pentagon, aimed at “reversing the erosion of the US military advantage in relation to China and Russia.”

Trump called for a 2.6 percent raise for service members, but not for civilian employees.

Homeland security was bolstered with $1.6 billion for the border wall and $782 million to hire about 2,000 immigratio­n agents and 750 more Border Patrol officers.

Infrastruc­ture was allocated $200 billion intended to leverage a total of $1.5 trillion investment by states and localities.

On the domestic side, the budget slashes $263 billion over a decade for programs that help low-income families.

In a major shake-up, Trump would stop some food-stamp cash payments and instead give families boxes of food.

Other savings come from limiting retirement and health benefits for federal employees, imposing a 2019 pay freeze on federal workers, and slowly moving to performanc­e-based pay rewards.

The budget now heads to Congress, where lawmakers were quick to point out it’s the president’s wish list and to expect changes.

“Budgets are aspiration­al documents and seldom have a real impact on spending,” Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) told The Washington Post.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who forced a government shutdown last week protesting rising government spending, tweeted, “Empty rhetoric about fiscal responsibi­lity is about to be swept aside by the reality of trillion-dollar deficits.”

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