New York Post

An Empty Plan


President Trump’s long-awaited infrastruc­ture plan turned out to be . . . nothing really worth the wait. It’s not so much bad as empty.

To be fair, with Uncle Sam gushing red ink, it’s hard to justify massive new federal outlays for the nation’s roads, bridges and mass transit. But this leaves Trump’s “$1.5 trillion,” 10-year infrastruc­ture plan actually calling for just $20 billion a year, on average, in new funding from Washington — with states and the private sector expected to pony up the rest. And the “new” federal funds are offset by

cuts in infrastruc­ture spending in the president’s $4.4 trillion operating budget, also released Monday.

The good news here is that Trump isn’t going to hand the country another con like President Barack Obama’s $1 trillion stimulus. That was sold as aiming mainly to fix infrastruc­ture — but instead wound up chiefly helping states avoid government-worker layoffs, as well as future failures like solarpanel maker Solyndra.

And America’s highways and bridges may actually be in better-than-advertised condition. A recent Reuters analysis, for example, found that only 2 percent of bridges in America with at least 200,000 vehicle crossings a day — i.e., fewer than 20 — need significan­t repairs.

That doesn’t mean no project deserves aid. In New York, the 108-year-old crossHudso­n rail tunnel, the only way into Manhattan from Jersey for Amtrak and commuter trains, is on its last legs. Yet it’s a key link for the entire Northeast Corridor. Not only is federal aid warranted; without it, a new tunnel seems unaffordab­le.

Now the metro area, which relies heavily on that tunnel, has to hope its elected officials in DC — especially Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer — can swing some deal for the funds, even if that means making concession­s to Trump, instead of #resisting him on everything.

Hey, the White House calls the plan just “the start of a negotiatio­n” and not “a take it or leave it” deal. So: Are New York and New Jersey leaders willing to negotiate — or would they rather just whine?

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