New York Post


- — Molly Shea

This year’s flu season has blossomed into a fullfledge­d epidemic — here’s how to handle it

Does this year’s flu shot work?

The shot is estimated to be 10 to 30 percent effective against this season’s most common flu strain. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it.

“Any protection is worthwhile,” says Audrey Hoover, a family nurse practition­er and director of the University Health Care Center at Pace University. Even if you do contract the flu, the shot can shorten the flu’s duration and severity.

The flu vaccine takes roughly two weeks to begin working, so the earlier you get it, the better.

I got the flu shot this fall — should I get it again?

“That’s not recommende­d,” says Hoover. Getting a second shot hasn’t been studied for effectiven­ess, and isn’t believed to increase immunity against the virus. You do need a new vaccine every year, since the shot loses efficacy over time, and the formulatio­n is adjusted each year.

What medicine should I give my child?

Each family member should be tested individual­ly and treatment plans may vary.

“I’ve heard of parents giving their children leftover Tamiflu, just in case. Don’t do that,” says Dr. Aaron Glatt, chairman of the Department of Medicine at South Nassau Communitie­s Hospital. “If a child seems sick, we need to evaluate them before we prescribe them medication.”

Does vitamin C help? What about zinc or probiotics?

Orange juice sales are up around the country, but chugging vitamin C hasn’t been shown to prevent or lessen the effects of the flu. The same goes for zinc lozenges, although they’ve been shown to help reduce the length of the common cold. Probiotics may help build the body’s immune system, but research has yet to link their use with flu prevention.

What medication should I take?

Visit a doctor before heading to the pharmacy. He or she will likely tell you to avoid antibiotic­s — they can’t fight a virus such as the flu — and prescribe an anti-viral medication, such as Tamiflu. The medication treats symptoms and shortens the flu’s life span; it’s most effective when taken within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. If you’re at a higher risk for complicati­ons from the flu because of a compromise­d immune system, age, pregnancy or any other reason, speak with your doctor now about having a prescripti­on on hand, before the flu strikes.

When should children be vaccinated?

Children 6 months and older should get a shot, especially since kids have an increased risk of serious complicati­ons. Children ages 6 months to 2 years old can only get a shot from a doctor; in late January, Gov. Cuomo signed an executive order allowing pharmacist­s to administer flu shots to children ages 2 to 18.

I already have the flu — what should I do?

Call in sick, and check in with your doctor. Staying home will help you recover faster and avoid spreading the virus to others. “Persons who are diagnosed with influenza should remain at home until the fever is resolved for 24 hours (without feverreduc­ing medication­s) and the cough is resolving to avoid exposing other members of the public,” says Dr. Maggie Bertisch of NYU Langone Urgent Care West Side.

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