New York Post

17 yrs. for Menendez-linked doc’s $73M fraud


The prominent Florida eye doctor accused of bribing Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey received a 17year sentence Thursday for stealing $73 million from Medicare by persuading elderly patients to undergo excruciati­ng tests and treatments they didn’t need.

Dr. Salomon Melgen was convicted of 67 crimes, including health-care fraud, submitting false claims and falsifying records.

Prosecutor­s showed that between 2008 and 2013, he became the nation’s highestpai­d Medicare doctor, building his practice by giving el- derly patients unnecessar­y eye injections and laser blasts on their retinas that some compared to torture.

Melgen was ordered to pay $42.6 million in restitutio­n to Medicare. He has been in custody since his April 28, 2017, conviction in West Palm Beach, Fla.

Separately, in November, a federal jury in New Jersey hung after a 2½-month trial in which prosecutor­s tried to prove Melgen’s gifts to Menendez were bribes.

In return, they said, Menendez interceded with Medicare officials investigat­ing his practice, obtained visas for Melgen’s foreign mistresses, and pressured the State Department to intervene in a business dispute he had with the Dominican government.

Menendez and Melgen denied wrongdoing. Prosecutor­s decided on Jan. 31 not to retry them.

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