New York Post

Trump’s $pending Shift


Saddling future Americans with massive debt is theft (“I’ll veto! [Next time!]” March 24).

When the Tea Party rose up to object to this intergener­ational theft, it was called racist by the news media and targeted by the IRS.

In response, voters sent an “outsider,” Donald Trump, to drain the Washington swamp. But his signing of a 2,000-page spending bill that will add another $1 trillion to our national debt shows he has now been defeated.

The spending plan again shows the American people that it doesn’t matter how they vote or what action they take. The federal government will not respond to citizens’ demands. Lauren Stevens Queens

Trump said he would never sign another bill like the omnibus bill, no matter what. He may be right.

After the midterms, when the Democrats start the impeachmen­t process, he’s not going to be around to sign any bills.

By signing the budget deal, he told his base, “If you don’t like your president, you don’t have to keep your president.” Mike Reynolds Tarrytown

Who among these 535 so-called leaders in congress even read the 2,232page bill? No one.

These congressme­n have adopted the Nancy Pelosi approach to the legislativ­e process: Pass it first, then we’ll find out what’s in it. Earl Beal Terre Haute, Ind.

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