New York Post

Cuomo’s Sign Obsession


Team Cuomo just can’t play nice with others — even after agreeing to. Its latest snit: State Transporta­tion Department spokesman Joseph Morrissey this week announced Albany has “no immediate plans” to remove 500 “I ♥ New York” highway signs that the feds call a dangerous distractio­n in violation of highway rules. “Conversati­ons with the Federal Highway Administra­tion,” he said, are “ongoing.”

Uh, that’s not how Washington sees it: On Monday, FHWA spokesman Doug Hecox insisted New York would “begin removing the signs next month.”

Cuomo & Co. had seemed to cave in last month, saying the sign campaign had “run its useful course” and saving face with talk of a new version to launch by summer.

That came just a day after DC withheld $14 million in funds from New York — vowing to restore them if the signs came down by Sept. 30.

So: Will Team Cuomo cooperate or not? (A spokeswoma­n for the governor did not return a request for comment.)

Gov. Cuomo has dragged out this battle for half a decade — risking federal aid and perhaps jeopardizi­ng motorists’ safety, too.

Meanwhile, the signs (at a whopping $15,000 each) provide so little info, they can’t do much to promote tourism.

The root of the gov’s obsession here may be that he can’t seem to do any better when it comes to providing an economic boost.

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