New York Post

Boldfacers in hot water

- Cindy Adams

JAILBIRD Lillo Brancato, once star of “A Bronx Tale,” once featured on “The Sopranos,” once convicted of attempted burglary, and now in producer Noel Ashman’s film “Wasted Talent,” which just won best documentar­y at the NYC Internatio­nal Film Festival, reminded me of other Hollywood hell: Nick Nolte — we all remember his mug shot, right? Matthew McConaughe­y got caught with marijuana; Ben Affleck gambling; Robert Blake, whose wife somehow got a little killed, although he was acquitted; there’s Michael Douglas’ son; Charlie Sheen’s sex; hateful Mel Gibson’s hateful drunk; Johnny Depp allegedly broke; Madonna and the kid who doesn’t want to stay with mama; headlines about Roman Polanski, of whom you may have heard; Winona Ryder shopliftin­g; Michael Jackson molestatio­n . . .

And going back: Ingrid Bergman cheated on her husband; Lana Turner boyfriend murdered; Debbie Reynolds ruined by hus- bands financiall­y; Hugh Grant picking up a hooker; Eddie Murphy picking up a transsexua­l prostitute; Fatty Arbuckle’s miseries back in B.C.; Zsa Zsa’s fake prince got her money; Sinatra and the mob; Judy Garland, drugs; Elizabeth Taylor multiple husbands; Charlie Chaplin age 16 wife; Clark Gable’s illegitima­te baby; Errol Flynn seduced women . . . And on and on . . . Then, how about the Bad Sports:

A-Rod, who knows how to use his bat but strikes out hitting truth; Tiger Woods, who might realize he’s a pig; Lance Armstrong the big-time performanc­e enhancing drugs user; Barry Bonds — steroids; Roger Clemens — steroids accusation­s; Kobe Bryant — beat a rape charge; Lenny Dykstra —a grand theft auto thing; Pete Rose — filing false tax returns; Joe Paterno complicit in child sex abuse.

Let’s never forget O.J.; Darryl Strawberry — drugs, depression, domestic abuse accusation­s; Michael (sick) Vick — dogfightin­g; Aaron Hernandez — murder; Oscar Pistorius — shooting; Tonya Harding, who thanks to Margot Robbie may no longer be skating on thin ice; and lest we forget Mike Tyson. Although we’re being loving because this is holy week, how about Financial Felons. Like: Jordan Belfort, Michael Milken, Enron’s Ken Lay, Bernie Madoff, Allen Stanford, Ivan Boesky, Turing Pharmaceut­icals’ Martin Shkreli and on and on . . . Let us now ponder Politician­s in Poop: John Edwards; Jesse Jackson; South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford; Dennis Hastert; Anthony Weiner; Malcolm Smith; Mario Biaggi; Pedro Espada; Vito Lopez; Dean Skelos; Eliot Spitzer; Stanley Friedman; Anthony Weiner again just on general principles; Sheldon Silver; Hiram Monserrate; Spiro Agnew; Charlie Rangel; Idaho Sen. Larry Craig soliciting men in airport bathroom; and there’s always Albany’s Mr. Percoco.

 ??  ?? Margot Robbie: Her portrayal redeemed Tonya Harding for some.
Margot Robbie: Her portrayal redeemed Tonya Harding for some.
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