New York Post

Here’s Who To Blame For Dreamers’ Dilemma

THE ISSUE: President Trump’s recent tweets suggesting he won't support a bill to protect Dreamers.


President Trump did everything he could to make a deal on President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals action (“Trump: DACA is dead,” April 2).

Unfortunat­ely, Democrats went above and beyond to stonewall this, and the immigrants have no one to blame except the liberal regime. Sen. Chuck Schumer, Rep. Nancy Pelosi and others will only have to point in the mirror when it comes to taking blame for being totally irresponsi­ble.

So for the time being, there is no wall, but for the long-term, thousands of immigrants will suffer because of the inflexible Democratic Party. Ron Zajicek Cortland Manor

Trump’s recent meanspirit­ed tweets about DACA clearly show that he doesn’t really care about young people at all but is just using them as a bargaining tool to get his border wall built. Kenneth Zimmerman Huntington Beach, Calif.

It’s high time for our limousine liberals and politician­s who constantly express concern for these poor and oppressed migrants to step forward and adopt one or two.

Surely their homes have a spare bedroom and their bank accounts sufficient funds to feed and educate them. In short, take personal responsibi­lity for their welfare.

Don’t pass on the cost to Americans already strapped trying to feed their own families. Let those of means, those who speak the loudest for the protection of immigrants, put up or shut up. Irene Gingold Manhattan

Trump may say that DACA is dead. But he has a history of recanting some of his harsh statements, saying that he was misunderst­ood. Or maybe he’ll claim it was an April Fools joke. There may be hope yet for Dreamers.

After all, tomorrow is another day. JoAnn Lee Frank Clearwater, Fla.

 ?? Getty Images ?? DACA supporters protest in Washington, DC.
Getty Images DACA supporters protest in Washington, DC.

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