New York Post

Weird BUT true


A painting by a 7-year-old British artist could be titled “Portrait of a Parent Puking.’’ It’s not exactly the Mona Lisa but it already has scores of admirers.

Lucie Stevenson was assigned to draw a picture of her mom, Margaret.

It shows Margaret, who had a bit too much to drink the night before, lying in bed with a barf bucket.

“I’m pretty sure the teacher will see the funny side of it,’’ said the proud mom, adding, “Kids are truthful and they just say what they think.’’

Her dad called the artwork “ingenious’’ because it includes the bucket.

A British man who suffered frostbite while running a marathon in Alaska donated his three amputated toes to a bar in Dawson City, Canada.

Its signature drink is the Sourtoe Cocktail, featured on its menu since the ’70s.

There’s one rule: “You can drink it fast. You can drink it slow. But your lips must touch the gnarly toe.’’

This teen hopes Chickfil-A will serve him up a chick to take to his prom.

Tanner Watts, 17, who works at the fast-food chain’s outlet in Casselberr­y, Fla., asked his boss to help him find a girl to accompany him. Owner Billy McClarnon put this notice on the outdoor billboard: “Tanner Needs a Prom Date.’’

As of Saturday, the sign had drawn lots of inquiries, but Tanner was still dateless.

A school superinten­dent in Melbourne, Fla., learned his lesson — the hard way.

Desmond Blackburn was driving his official SUV when he illegally passed a stopped school bus. It happened while local cops were running a bus-safety campaign called “Operation BUSted.’’ He got a warning.

This Scottish seagull brought home the bacon.

It swooped down on a woman leaving a supermarke­t in the town of Elgin as she was pushing her cart.

The brazen bird grabbed a package of bacon she had bought and flew off.

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