New York Post


Star halts attack


Benedict Cumberbatc­h — who battles interdimen­sional villains as Dr. Strange — is a superhero in real life, too. The Marvel movie star leapt out of an Uber on a London street to do battle with a gang of four evildoers as they clobbered a defenseles­s bicycle deliveryma­n. “I did it out of, well, I had to, you know,” the sometime Master of the Mystic Arts modestly explained, according to The Sun. Cumberbatc­h, 41, had been riding in an Uber car with his wife, Sophie Hunter, when he saw the quartet of bad guys punching the deliveryma­n and hitting him over the head with a bottle. The star didn’t need his Eye of Agamotto to see the hapless victim needed rescuing. “Leave him alone!” Cumberbatc­h incanted as he leapt into the fray. The star immediatel­y began pulling the muggers off the deliveryma­n and, unaware yet that they were fighting the Sorcerer Supreme, the thieves began punching back. “They turned towards him and things looked like [they were] getting worse,” recalled Uber driver- turned- sidekick Manuel Dias. “So I joined in. “He stood there instructin­g them in the street, shouting, ‘Leave him alone!’ ” Dias, 53, told The Sun.

“I had hold of one lad and Benedict another. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing. He was very brave. He did most of it, to be honest.”

It was at around this point that the less-thanfantas­tic four realized they were in the presence of Cumberbatc­h — wearer of the Cloak of Levitation and scourge of the Dark Dimension.

They sensibly ran away.

“Benedict’s a superhero,” the driver declared. “If he hadn’t stepped in, the cyclist could have been seriously injured.”

London police, who confirmed the November incident, which for mysterious reasons only emerge d Friday, are still searching for the villains.

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 ??  ?? HERO: Benedict Cumberbatc­h (left as Dr. Strange) stopped four men from mugging a London cyclist.
HERO: Benedict Cumberbatc­h (left as Dr. Strange) stopped four men from mugging a London cyclist.

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