New York Post

Weird BUT true


Russia wants to melt its reputation as the world’s iciest superpower — by training workers to smile at World Cup soccer-tourney visitors.

Employees at FIFA, Russian Railways, Moscow Metro and other firms are taking classes that teach them to make foreigners feel welcome by flashing their pearly whites — despite a Russian belief that “laughing for no reason is a sign of stupidity.”

Not that kind of buzzed! Bystanders assumed 24year-old bartender Sheena Derocker — who was screaming, flailing her arms and running into a busy downtown road in St. Petersburg, Fla. — was drunk or high.

So they didn’t stop. But one man realized Derocker was being attacked by a swarm of bees. He drenched her with hairspray to scare them off. She was rushed to a hospital.

The message was hateful — and misspelled.

Vandals wrote the phrase “Hitler Brigde” with oil or gasoline on the Ozaukee Interurban Trail Bridge in Grafton, Wis.

The Ozaukee County Sheriff ’s Office, in seeking leads, used the hashtags #Spelling Lessons and #StayInScho­ol.

Tennessee’s Naked Cowboy went far off the range.

Jacob Bradley Hodge, 28, of Madisonvil­le, dressed like Times Square’s cowboy — in underwear and a tengallon hat — was busted for allegedly drunkenly cursing and roughing up a cop at a Walmart. Hodge was charged with public intoxicati­on, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

She’s headed for the great coop in the sky.

Animal activists held a heartfelt vigil for a single chicken killed in a Delaware trucking accident.

The cluckin’ zealots, from Liberation Philadelph­ia, rescued the injured fowl after a rig hauling hundreds of live chickens flipped near Wilmington. The bird, June, later died of injuries.

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